work with us


Work with Us*

 The global need for an accessible, effective and potentially disruptive medical technology like SmartSound is unprecedented- and represents an exciting business opportunity going forward.

Right now, with the launch of our 'Sleep Solutions with DeStress' app and other exciting products on the way, we're seeking strategic B2B and B2C alliances to form a global partnership ecosystem.

We'd like to hear from businesses, organisations and entrepreneurs with humanitarian values to help us co-create exciting business and wellness opportunities.**

* This offer will close after initial key collaborations/partnerships have been established. However you can still submit expressions of interest for possible future reference.

Some points to consider :

 If you would like to discuss working or partnering with us to:

Please introduce yourself via one of the contact options below:

NS Logo smallPrivate Individuals/Entrepreneurs

If you are an entrepreneur with a business proposal please contact us HERE

NS Logo smallBloggers/Influencers

For influencers or bloggers with a 10k + following in areas relating to health, fitness, wellbeing or self-development we can arrange free copies of the full version of Sleep Solutions for you to trial and review online. 

This may lead to us supporting your blog via commission payments for any subsequent product purchases by your community. 

Inquire HERE

NS Logo smallHealthcare Practitioners and Clinics

If you are a medium to large-scale conventional, complementary/integrative health practice - or have an interest in integrative health care, you will know that the efficacy of most treatment modalities may increase when clients have access to effective stress and sleep management.

The assistance afforded by SmartSound may also foster a sense of ongoing care and support for clients beyond the clinical setting.  

Please contact us to discuss ways delivering our product(s) to your clients and with commission for your own practice/clinic.  (Also consider our offer of a Free Trial)  
Inquire HERE

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Affiliate or Online Marketers

We are currently seeking a Master Affiliate(s) with a proven track record for large-scale health/wellness initiatives. This will be for promoting Android versions of Sleep Solutions only at this point. Likewise, if you are a large-scale online distributor of health and wellness products, you are welcome to contact us to discuss  commission based pricing structures to facilitate your on-selling of Sleep Solutions or future products. 

Inquire HERE

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** Potential Earnings Disclaimer

While every effort has been made to accurately represent the various benefits of our products, we offer no promise or guarantee of earnings. We will however fully support our contracted partners and associates to achieve their goals and objectives in a professional and ethical manner.



Hearing is Believing!




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