Submit a Testimonial

NeuroSonica® SmartSoundTM is a new and exceptional therapeutic phenomenon, and so we would be very pleased if you provide a testimonial that we can share with our visitors about your use and experience of NeuroSonica product(s).

Please use the form below to submit your testimonial, and please be sure to show us how you would like it to be 'signed' or acknowledged.


Our preference is to show a name and a location, for example

John Citizen,

New York


You might be happy to also include your vocation, for example

Mary Citizen,


New York

Or for your name you may wish to show only your first name John or Mary, or your initials:

John, New York or

M.C., New York


We will use whatever acknowledgement that you include at the end of your testimonial. 

Please understand that sometimes we may use just part of your testimonial for reasons of length or clarity, or to avoid repetition across our testimonials.

You can submit your testimonial below:


Please use ONLY ENGLISH in this form. Thank You!


Full Name*
Please enter your name.

Email Address*
Please enter an email address containing a @ and .

Contact Number

Your Testimonial*
Please let us know your comments.

Terms and Conditions*
Please select the checkbox

Please tick the box








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